Episode 49: The Interpersonal Side of Guilds

There is a lot that can be said about being a member of a guild, being an officer of a guild, and -the big daddy of them all- being a guild leader. Tonight, The Council gathers to discuss our collective experiences playing these roles as members of player organizations in MMO’s -the interpersonal dynamics of guild membership, the positive aspects, and some of the more challenging experiences along the way.

Audio-only Version:

Links posted tonight:

You can find The Council’s stream page, and social media pages at the following:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecouncilswtor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thecouncilswtor
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thecouncilswtor
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjcUjw_P8gCPmU28JOppewA

Member streams:
Redna: https://www.twitch.tv/r3dn4
Sechari: https://www.twitch.tv/sechari
MajikAce: https://www.twitch.tv/majikace

Member Twitter Pages:
Redna: https://twitter.com/r3dn4
Sechari: https://twitter.com/iamsechari
MajikAce: https://twitter.com/themajikace
Alise: https://twitter.com/abrown35

2 thoughts on “Episode 49: The Interpersonal Side of Guilds”

  1. I really appreciate this episode. I’m glad you have enjoyed the guilds in SWTOR. I’ve made good friends in guilds, however being in one guild nearly made me walk away from SWTOR altogether. The atmosphere was overall been so very toxic, that I couldn’t bring myself to be around in a game where there were guilds like that in the game.

    However, I am more social than hard-core when it comes to gaming.

    I just like to warn all players that guilds have a focus very often, or an objective and to see if that objective matches your own, or if it comes with obligations, pressure, or other issues that take away from your enjoyment of the game.

    In the guilds you’re talking about, you sounded like a very well balanced guilds and enjoyable overall. I’m glad that’s what you’ve experienced.

    1. For what it’s worth, Heather, we appreciate you sticking around. Sorry to hear a guild almost drove you off! Hopefully you’re not in that toxic environment anymore. There are plenty of good ones out there. Just need to be able to break with the here and now and venture into the new to find it. But you know that 🙂 Thanks for tuning in to the show!

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